Top 4 Reasons to Leverage Social Media for Your Business Promotion

Top 4 Reasons to Leverage Social Media for Your Business Promotion


Top 4 Reasons to Leverage Social Media for Your Business Promotion


Social media is here to stay for long and so are its lovers, spread across every nook and cranny of the world. Statista reveals that social network users have grown to staggering 2.34 billion worldwide by 2016, with a global social network penetration of 31%. While Facebook gets the lion share of this Social Media fever with 1.71 billion active users, twitter boasts of having 313 million active users every month.


Even more interesting is the fact that Twitter earned worldwide revenue $2.2 billion in 2015. Other similar platforms also keep on contributing their bit to this rapidly inflating balloon of Social Media. Owing to this unstoppable growth, a thick of small to medium businesses as well as individuals across the globe have also switched over to social media in order to promote their business. Here are five potential reasons that motivate them to do so and become a part of this most loved digital revolution.


The rise and rise of social media:


As you are already know, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more are making it big in the world arena. With billions of people joining these online networks and each one joining multiple such social media networks, the latter offer a great opportunity for businesses to interact with potential customers. At times, posting an ad on Facebook or Twitter could help you get much better response than on road or print media advertising.


Creating brand identity


Heard of facelift? Social media lets you get a brand lift on similar lines! Having a specific FB page or Twitter handle that talks about your business goes a long way in creating brand identity. This not only helps you to inform your targeted customers about your services, but also attracts them like a magnet, provided that your profile speaks in large volumes about how it could benefit the users.



No costs involved


Until and unless you buy a monthly or annual advertising package from a social media network, all other businesses activities accompany no cost at all. You are free to create a page/profile, invite others to like or visit it. You can also talk about your product and in fact sell it. Several users nowadays market their products through FB pages and benefit exceptionally.



Build customer relationship


Social media helps you to interact directly with your customers. You can seek their opinion through interesting questions & answer sessions, ask for their suggestions on problem areas of your service. Even wishing a Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, etc. would also be enough to build a strong customer relationship.


If you find any or all of these reasons concrete enough to migrate your business to the digital world, this is high time to do it. The world of social media awaits your business. Best of Luck!



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